Book Rosanna
14 Station Rd
Rosanna VIC 3084
Ph. 9457 1778
Fax. 9457 1775
Wondering what services we provide?
Our clinic is purpose built and dedicated to everything podiatry related.
We offer Laser Scanned and 3D printed/milled custom made orthotics, as well as Lunula Laser therapy for fungal nail treatment.
If you are unsure about what appointment type to select or have any questions, you can give our friendly team a call on 9457 1778 and we can help you out!
New Patient Consultation
Please select this option if you have never attended our clinic before. Your initial consultation will allow your podiatrist to get to know you and understand an initial overview of your medical history. Your podiatrist will assess and diagnose any foot or leg conditions you may have and will prescribe treatment.
Standard Consultation
Please select this option if you have attended our clinic before. Your standard consultations will continue on with any treatment or care that your podiatrist has recommended for you.
Lunula Laser Treatment
Please select this option if you have been diagnosed or think you may have a fungal nail infection. Lunula Laser treatment is a cold laser therapy with no pain or downtime to treat fungal nail infections of the foot. For your first treatment you will meet with one of our podiatrists who will assess your condition and recommend the amount of treatments needed.
If you require or think you may need orthotics, please select New Patient Consultation if you are a new patient, or Standard Consultation if you are an existing patient. Your podiatrist will assess whether orthotics are required.

We offer quick and easy on the spot claims with HICAPS for all private health funds, as well as part paid Medicare claims with a valid care plan from a GP.