So what is K-Laser Therapy?
Laser therapy or PhotoBioModulation (PBM) triggers different cellular effects thanks to photons from the laser beam being absorbed by specific chromophores in your cells. These effects:
Control inflammation
Improve tissue healing
Enhance blood flow
Trigger analgesic effect (removes pain)
K-Laser uses 4 laser wavelengths (660nm, 800nm, 905nm, and 970nm) simultaneously to ensure complementary therapeutic effects from all chromophores.
What's the process?
On your first visit you will have a consultation with one of our podiatrists to properly assess and diagnose if K-Laser is the right treatment option for you. Treatment for K-Laser therapy will begin on the day of your initial consultation. The amount of sessions you may need is decided on the conditon we are treating and on a case by case basis.
Pain Management
Helps control musculoskeletal pain and reduce inflammation. K-Laser can treat pathologies where deep tissue inflammation is a major factor such as arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, muscle strain and others.
Wound Healing
Assists in enhancing wound healing and offers better options to our diabetic patients. Wounds treated with K-Laser heals approximately 40% quicker than wounds without. The number of treatments required is assessed based on the size and depth of the wound.
Fungal Nails (Onychomycosis)
K-Laser will target and destroy the fungus living in the nails with a high level laser beam. We also offer the Lunula Laser treatment for fungal nails which utilises UVA and UVB light.